Translating verinice

verinice is available in English (default/fallback language) and German out of the box.

Italian and Czech are available on request from our verinice.PARTNERS in theses countries.

If you are interested to translate verinice into any other language please consider that the translation requires some technical expertise and effort due to the amount of text to translate. On top of that the translation needs to be updated with each new release.

Information security companies and consultants that want to launch verinice in their country should contact the verinice.TEAM to discuss options and potential.

1 „Gefällt mir“

I am interested in purchasing VERINICE.PRO.
I insist on Czech localization. Is this option available?
I did not find contact with any Czech partner.
Thank you for answer.

Dear KULA,

actually we are finishing partnership with a Czech partner right now. Please contact us through for further details. I will be glad to establish direct communication for the Czech translation.

Best regards


Any idea why csv report output cannot display greek characters?

Unfortunately, the CSV export of Report Queries uses an encoding that is not compatible with Greek characters.

As an alternative, you can use the „Search“ view, which also has a CSV export function. The export in this view can be changed to UTF-8 encoding in the settings:

Menu -> Edit -> Preferences -> Search -> CSV export settings -> Encoding: UTF-8

After that, results of searches with Greek characters can be exported to CSV files.

Any idea when verison 1.22 will be released?

According to current planning, we will release verinice 1.22 on 03/22/2021.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Is there a user manual on how to use the search view and the query syntax?

You will find the description on how to build report queries with verinice in the manual (verinice-user_manual_EN.pdf) on page 95.
Chapter 11.2 Building Report Queries

hope this helps, greetings.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Any chance to correct this so that CSV export supports greek characters?

Any chance to correct this so that CSV export supports greek characters?

Hello @hatjipapasa I have looked into it, as verinice should support all UTF-8 characters without problems, but your are right the csv export does not support all UTF-8 characters, I have opened an issue to resolve this.
Quite possible that we get this in the 1.26.0 release.

Hope this helps. (Thanks for bringing it up.)

1 „Gefällt mir“

Unfortunately still not resolved. It is very important because without greek support greek customers cannot use the reports…Please consider a patch or fix soon, thank you